[Mono-dev] Trying to reproduce _wapi_handle_unref bug - done and done

Brian Crowell mono-devel at fluggo.com
Fri Aug 11 19:39:09 EDT 2006

Brian Crowell wrote:
> I'm trying to reproduce a situation seen in my program involving the following 
> message:

After months of chasing this particular problem down, I think I finally found my 
problem. Here it is, with some I found on the way:

http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=79061 (killwapi.cs)

WAPI shared handles don't seem to disappear when the AppDomain does. This causes 
a really big problem, because a thread handle seems to appear for every 
AppDomain in existence. This program will exhaust the handle table.

http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=79062 (sigsegv.cs)

The combination of unquoted parameters and standard out redirects, over three 
attempts, will cause a SIGSEGV. Got this one entirely by accident.

http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=79063 (processdeadlock.cs)

This one is rare. There's a small chance of a deadlock if you run multiple 
processes simultaneously.

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