[Mono-dev] [Mono-list] Two questions about .net/mono internals

L.G. Meredith lgreg.meredith at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 18:54:57 EDT 2006


Many thanks. i found the SOAP extension stuff just a few hours before your
reply. As for the point about the formatter, i have implemented my own
formatter. But, the point is the binary formatter already does most of the
work i need to do except it adds extra information. In my specialized
formatter i just want to extract the bit i need from what the binary
formatter has already produced rather than have to write a great deal of
formatting code that has already been implemented by binary formatter.

Best wishes,


On 8/3/06, Robert Jordan <robertj at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hey,
> L.G. Meredith wrote:
> > i'm in the process of writing a gateway application. It speaks SOAP out
> of
> > one side of it's mouth and a proprietary network application protocol
> out
> > the other.
> >
> > My application would be much more beautiful and easy to maintain if i
> had
> > the following two bits of interface to .net/mono capability.
> >
> > 1. i want to trampoline incoming webmethods to invocations to send an
> > appropriately formatted message to a tcp stream connected to my app.
> That
> > is, i would like to get the current (web) method and it's arguments. i
> > would
> > prefer not to copy the incoming arguments to an invocation but to
> > generically call an api that will return a data structure providing all
> the
> > information associated with the method invocation, including method name
> > and
> > actuals (a.k.a. arguments). i can then pass this data structure to my
> > stream
> > formatter to format appropriately for the network stream.
> Implement a SOAP extension:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconAlteringSOAPMessageUsingSOAPExtensions.asp
> > 2. i would like to have the format of the .net/mono binary formatter. It
> I'm not sure why you need it, but here is it:
> http://svn.myrealbox.com/viewcvs/trunk/mcs/class/corlib/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary/binary_serialization_format.htm?rev=27351&view=log
> > does the work i need to do except that it puts some extra stuff into the
> > stream. Currently, i have a hack in which i drop markers into the stream
> > and
> > pull out the bytes between the markers to get the appropriately
> formatted
> > bytes for the packet i need to send. Obviously, this is a brittle
> solution.
> > If i had the format the binary serializer uses, then i could extract
> > them in
> > a better way. Even better, if i had an API that allowed me to extract
> > naturally distinct pieces, e.g. just member data, excluding class name
> or
> > member name data or even size information, then i could have a very
> robust
> > and generic application.
> Such an API doesn't make sense, unless it's intended to be used
> by non-CLI languages (C/C++...).
> You should implement a custom formatter, if you need this level of
> control.
> If you want to intercept remoting calls, you could insert a
> custom server channel sink after the formatter sink and you'll
> be able to access the remoting messages before they get dispatched.
> Robert
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L.G. Meredith
Biosimilarity LLC
505 N 72nd St
Seattle, WA 98103

+1 206.650.3740
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