[Mono-dev] Unicode Normalization support patch (is back)

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Fri Apr 14 03:50:21 EDT 2006


I remembered that I posted a patch for String.Normalize() support
some months ago. Here is the updated patch for current code (with
a small normalization example which I used to verify its behavior).

Note that corresponding normalization engine is already in svn
as mcs/class/corlib/Mono.Globalization.Unicode/Normalization.cs
and so on. The table generator code is already there too ("make"
will create the same C header file). I made a couple of fixes
to make it work fine in svn.

<del>If no one objects I'll commit</del> If it looks good please
tell me and I will commit.

Atsushi Eno
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