[Mono-dev] header have been already sent ?

Bernhard Herzog schwimmlehrer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 03:11:42 EDT 2005

>> I am also getting this exception in my application when I am trying to
>> access a protected page (see attached application). Instead of 
>> redirecting
>> to the login page the exception is thrown and a "Unauthorized" page is
>> shown.
> Thanks for the test case, this is what I needed.
> I have committed a fix to SVN for accessing protected.aspx and it now
> takes me to the login.aspx page, could you please try the latest version
> from SVN?

Yes, it does work now. Thank you!

> I could not understand your other issues, could you provide a test case
> that fails?

1. login.aspx: Leave all fields blank and press "Login". A 
RequiredFieldValidator with an ErrorMessage is attached to the name field, 
but when submitting the form that message is not shown in the 
ValidationSummary tag.

2. noerror.aspx: Any errors in the aspx (imports, syntax errors in scripts, 
etc.) are not shown in the web browser (page loads forever in Firefox). This 
is true also when global.asax contains an error.

3. global.asax: Load any page (e.g. session.aspx), then change global.asax. 
A huge exception is thrown on the server because file has changed (does not 
look good at least).

4. global.asax, session.aspx: This is something I hoped that it would be 
fixed by a new application pipeline design, but it has not changed. It's 
important for my application:
HttpContext and HttpApplication is still getting mixed up (at least when 
requesting static files in the meantime), with the result that I cannot 
access the session-id in the session_end event.

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