[Mono-dev] corcompare patch for printing generic method type arguments

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Mon Oct 24 17:05:26 EDT 2005

Hi Marek,

Marek Safar wrote:
> Hello Eno,
>> Here is another patch for corcompare for generics support. With
>> this patch it prints type arguments in generic methods.
>> Suppose that we have
>> 	void Foo<T,U> () where T : IFoo, U : IBar
>> Then it prints
>> 	Foo[T(IFoo), U(IBar)]
> I prefer the syntax where will be more obvious that it is about generic
> possibly use same syntax as csc/gmcs use for error reporting.
> Something like `Foo<T(IFoo), U (IBar)>'

Oh, true. Well, then we could just make it just to print "where", so

	void Foo<T,U> () where T : IFoo, U : IBar


	void Foo<T,U> () where T : IFoo, U : IBar

as is ;-)  I attached the updated patch.

Atsushi Eno
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