AW: [Mono-dev] problem compiling mono-1.1.9 for arm

FALE(Leopold Faschalek) FALE at
Thu Oct 13 04:18:14 EDT 2005

> von Paolo Molaro
> I haven't used scratchbox, but this is clearly a binutils 
> issue, so you'd have to report it to the binutils folks.
> Note that it dies building a profiler module, so you can 
> easily skip this step since it is not essential to be able to 
> compile mono (either run make -k or create dummy files for 
> the profiler).
> Note that mono 1.1.9 has a couple of issues that show up when 
> built with optimizations, so I suggest you build that version with:
> 	make CFLAGS=-g
> or use mono or mono from svn (this is specific to the 
> ARM port).
> Thanks.
> lupus
Many thanks for your tips, I built mono. with 
'make -k CFLAGS=-g' and it runs now.

Thank you

Leopold Faschalek
Research & Development / Senior Software Developer

Untersbergstraße 40
A-5083 Gartenau
[P] +43(0)6246/888-0
[F] +43(0)6246/888-7
[e] fale at

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