[Fwd: Re: [Mono-dev] Mono Windows Installer Released]

Raja R Harinath rharinath at novell.com
Tue Oct 4 01:49:43 EDT 2005


Wade Berrier <wberrier at novell.com> writes:

> I almost think that System.XML isn't compiling.
> This command doesn't output a dll:
> MONO_PATH="../../class/lib/basic;
> $MONO_PATH" /tmp/scratch/mono-  ../../class/lib/basic/mcs.exe  /nologo /optimize -d:NET_1_1 -d:ONLY_1_1 -d:BOOTSTRAP_WITH_OLDLIB /debug+ /debug:full /noconfig -r:mscorlib.dll -r:System.dll -nowarn:0162 -nowarn:0618 -nowarn:0612 -target:library -out:System.Xml.dll `echo System.Xml.XPath/Parser.cs Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.cs Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternTokenizer.cs | tr '/' '\\\\'` @../../build/deps/basic_System.Xml.dll.response

It should, if it didn't fail.  However, immediately after that, there'll
be a

  mv System.Xml.dll ../../class/lib/basic/System.Xml.dll


- Hari

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