[Mono-dev] COM Interop in Mono
Jonathan S. Chambers
Jonathan.Chambers at ansys.com
Wed Nov 23 14:40:32 EST 2005
First, thanks a ton to Jonathan Pryor, Paolo Molaro, and Lluis Sanchez
(and any others) for their help.
So, previously I was able to create a class from an interop assembly and
use that class in managed (casting, calling methods, etc. successfully
interacting with the underlying COM object).
That was only for COM objects whose coclass metadata was defined in the
interop assembly. Now, arbitrary COM interfaces can be handled, even if
the object is not a coclass or if the coclass is not defined in the
interop assembly. In other words, a COM interface can be marshaled back
to managed as long as that interface is defined in an interop assembly.
I'll described the process (I'll post code later, it's too ugly right
now as I just got it working).
It begins with a method/property returning a parameter/value
that is marked to be marshalled as an interface (meaning COM interface).
This will invoke the marshaller. At this point, all that is assumed is
that the pointer is a COM interface. The managed method has a target
interface for the pointer. This target interface is queried for a
GuidAttribute. The guid is then used to call QueryInterface on the
underlying COM object to verify that the object does indeed support that
I created new class, ComProxy, that derives from RealProxy. An
instance of ComProxy is created for type System.__ComObject, and the COM
interface pointer is stored in the ComProxy object in an IntPtr field.
Next, GetTransparentProxy is called on the ComProxy object. This
transparent proxy is then cast to the target interface. ComProxy also
implements System.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo, which has a method
CanCastTo. This method is called the first time the transparent proxy is
cast to a new type. In this method, it is verified that the underlying
COM object supports an interface via the method mentioned previously
(calling QI with the interface GUID). If a cast can proceed, then
special logic occurs because the object is a transparent proxy. The
interface is added to the interface table, and the additional methods
are added to the vtable. Normally, these vtable slots are filled with
trampolines for remoting calls. However, in the COM case I emit
trampolines that call the underlying COM object.
So, much is done yet much remains ;-). If anyone has any questions
please ask.
1. A lot of marshalling code. Currently, the System.Object type is not
marshalled at all. This needs implemented for VARIANT, IUnknown, and
IDispatch types.
2. Currently I'm not even going through the default marshalling code. I
need to use this and adjust it for COM rules rather than pinvoke rules
when using COM Interop.
3. Add finalizer logic so that COM objects will be released during
finalization. Need to look into the thread issues with this, as
finalization may not occur on the thread that the COM object was created
4. Right now, I store the IUnknown pointer. I really need an array/list
of pointers that are indexed by interface. Thus, I only need to
QueryInterface for each interface once. I do it on every method call
5. Try this with XPCOM, or a cross platform COM solution.
6. Connection points/events.
7. COM Callable Wrappers - exposing managed objects to COM
- Jonathan
-----Original Message-----
From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan
S. Chambers
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:52 AM
To: Paolo Molaro; mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Subject: RE: [Mono-dev] COM Interop in Mono
Some things are windows only (BSTR marshalling comes to mind),
at least for now. Should that not be included at this point, or should
it be put inside of an #ifdef? On #mono there was some concern about
different levels of support across platforms.
Also, if I leave this inside of mono for now, any advice on
that? Should I stick all my routines at the bottom of the file for
example, or tag them all with a comment, etc.?
-----Original Message-----
From: mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com
[mailto:mono-devel-list-bounces at lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Paolo
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:49 AM
To: mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com
Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] COM Interop in Mono
On 11/16/05 Jonathan S. Chambers wrote:
> Attached is a diff of some current progress. These changes are all in
> place right now, they would of course need moved to an external
Thanks for the patch.
I don't think this stuff should be moved to a library, at least not
until it's windows-only. Moving to a module may be needed later if we
support other COM-like systems using the same interface, but that is
likely way off.
> Index: metadata/class.c
> ===================================================================
> --- metadata/class.c (revision 52794)
> +++ metadata/class.c (working copy)
> @@ -2682,6 +2682,12 @@
> g_assert (class->field.count == 0);
> }
> + /* reserve space to store COM object pointer in RCW */
> + if (class->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_IMPORT &&
> + class->instance_size += 2 * sizeof (gpointer);
Reserve room just for one pointer.
> Index: metadata/object-internals.h
> ===================================================================
> --- metadata/object-internals.h (revision 52794)
> +++ metadata/object-internals.h (working copy)
> @@ -993,6 +993,17 @@
> guint32 location;
> } MonoManifestResourceInfo;
> +
> +typedef struct {
> + MonoObject object;
> + MonoString *guid;
> +} MonoReflectionGuidAttribute;
> +
> +typedef struct {
> + MonoObject object;
> + guint16 intType;
> +} MonoInterfaceTypeAttribute;
Add also a:
typedef struct {
MonoObject object;
gpointer comptr;
} MonoCOMWrapper;
and always use it instead of doing pointer arithmetric etc.
> Index: metadata/marshal.c
> ===================================================================
> --- metadata/marshal.c (revision 52794)
> +++ metadata/marshal.c (working copy)
> @@ -6309,6 +6309,279 @@
> mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET);
> }
> +void
> +component_get_object_and_fnc_ptr(MonoObject *this, MonoMethod*
method, gpointer* pObj, gpointer* pFunc)
Most of these functions should be static. If they need to be exported,
they should be in an header file and have the usual mono_ prefix.
> +{
> + IUnknown * pUnk = NULL;
> + int ** vtable;
> + int i = 0;
> + int offset = 0;
> + GUID clsid;
> +
> + for (i = 0; i < method->klass->interface_count; i++)
> + {
The brace needs to go in the previous line, several of these in the
> + int first;
> + MonoClass* itf = *(method->klass->interfaces+i);
Change to method->klass->interfaces [i];
> +
> + first = itf->method.first;
> + if (first <= method->slot && first+itf->method.count >
Needs spaces around operators like +.
> + {
> + static MonoClass *GuidAttribute;
> + static MonoClass *InterfaceTypeAttribute;
> + MonoCustomAttrInfo *cinfo;
> + MonoReflectionGuidAttribute *attr;
> + MonoInterfaceTypeAttribute* itf_attr;
> +
> + offset = method->slot - first;
> +
> + if (!GuidAttribute)
> + GuidAttribute = mono_class_from_name
(mono_defaults.corlib, "System.Runtime.InteropServices",
You need GuidAttribute already in two places: please add it to the
mono_defaults struct. Aso, please use lower case variable names.
> + if (!InterfaceTypeAttribute)
> + InterfaceTypeAttribute =
mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib,
"System.Runtime.InteropServices", "InterfaceTypeAttribute");
> +
> + if (GuidAttribute) {
No need for this check here: if the attribute is not in corlib there are
bigger issues and we'd have the proper code to check it somewhere _once_
instead of at each loop iteration.
> + cinfo = mono_custom_attrs_from_class
> + if (cinfo) {
> + attr =
(MonoReflectionGuidAttribute*)mono_custom_attrs_get_attr (cinfo,
> + itf_attr =
(MonoInterfaceTypeAttribute*)mono_custom_attrs_get_attr (cinfo,
> + if (attr) {
> + LPOLESTR temp;
> + wchar_t buf[50];
> +
You're not allowed to access MonoString->chars directly. Use
mono_string_chars(). This code though, should avoid creating the object
and just access the guid data inside the proper cinfo->data.
Of course this code is invariant in the loop, so it should be moved out
of it.
> + CLSIDFromString(buf,
> +
IUnknown*)*((int*)this+sizeof(MonoObject))), &clsid, &pUnk);
this should be a MonoCOMWrapper, so you can simplify here.
> +
> + if (pUnk)
> + {
> + *pObj = pUnk;
> + vtable =
> +
> + if (itf_attr &&
itf_attr->intType == 1)
> + offset
+= 3;
> + else
> + offset
+= 7;
Please assign a meaningful name to these magic numbers.
> +void
> +component_create (MonoObject * this)
> +{
> + void * pUnk;
> + int i = 0;
> + GUID clsid;
> +
> +
> + static MonoClass *GuidAttribute;
> + MonoCustomAttrInfo *cinfo;
> + MonoReflectionGuidAttribute *attr;
> + static int coinit = 0;
> +
> + if (!coinit)
> + {
> + CoInitialize(NULL);
How expensive is this call? Maybe it can be called unconditionally on
windows in the mono_runtime_init() function.
> + coinit = 1;
> + }
> +
> + if (!GuidAttribute)
> + GuidAttribute = mono_class_from_name
(mono_defaults.corlib, "System.Runtime.InteropServices",
> +
> + if (GuidAttribute) {
Same comments as above, move the lookup and check somewhere else.
> +MonoMethod *
> +component_get_native_wrapper (MonoMethod *method)
> +{
> + MonoMethodSignature *sig, *csig;
> + MonoMethodBuilder *mb;
> + MonoMethod *res;
> + GHashTable *cache;
> +
> + g_assert (method != NULL);
> + g_assert (method->klass->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_IMPORT);
> + g_assert (method->iflags & (METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL
> +
> + cache = method->klass->image->native_wrapper_cache;
> + sig = mono_method_signature (method);
> +
> + mb = mono_mb_new (method->klass, method->name,
> + mb->method->save_lmf = 1;
> +
> + g_print ("Finding internal method for COM object
> +
> + if (!strcmp(method->name,".ctor"))
> + {
> + csig = sig;
> +
> + if (sig->hasthis)
> + mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_LDARG_0);
> +
> + /*for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; i++)
> + mono_mb_emit_ldarg (mb, i + sig->hasthis);
> + */
> +
> + mono_mb_emit_native_call (mb, csig, component_create);
> + emit_thread_interrupt_checkpoint (mb);
> + mono_mb_emit_byte (mb, CEE_RET);
> +
> + csig = mono_metadata_signature_dup (csig);
> + csig->pinvoke = 0;
> + res = mono_mb_create_and_cache (cache, method,
> +
mb, csig, csig->param_count + 16);
> + mono_mb_free (mb);
> + return res;
> + }
> + else
> + {
> + /* get the function pointer from the object/vtable */
> + static MonoMethodSignature *comsig = NULL;
> + MonoMethodSignature *callsig = NULL;
> + int i = 0;
> +
> + csig = sig;
> +
> + if (!comsig) {
> + comsig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc
(method->klass->image, 3);
> + comsig->hasthis = 1;
> + comsig->params [0] =
> + comsig->params [1] =
> + comsig->params [2] =
> + comsig->ret =
> + comsig->pinvoke = 0;
> + }
> +
> + callsig = mono_metadata_signature_alloc
(method->klass->image, csig->param_count + (MONO_TYPE_IS_VOID(csig->ret)
? 0: 1));
> + callsig->hasthis = 1;
> + callsig->ret = &mono_defaults.int_class->byval_arg;
> +
> + /* regular params */
> + for (i = 0; i < csig->param_count; i++)
> + callsig->params[i] = csig->params[i];
> +
> + /* return val as last param by ref*/
> + if (!MONO_TYPE_IS_VOID(csig->ret))
> + callsig->params[csig->param_count] =
> +
> + /* not sure about this */
> + callsig->pinvoke = 1;
> +
> + /* COM is stdcall */
> + callsig->call_convention = MONO_CALL_STDCALL;
> +
> + /* for func ptr */
> + mono_mb_add_local (mb,
> + mono_mb_add_local (mb,
Always store the return value from mono_mb_add_local() in an
appropriately named local var and always use that, instead of magic
numbers when you need to emit ldloc etc.
Thanks for working on this!
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