[Mono-dev] OpenBSD 3.8 compilation

Zoltan Varga vargaz at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 08:55:32 EST 2005


  We don't have an OpenBSD port maintanier, so somebody with the
neccesary motivation and technical skills need to step up, do the port, and then
maintain it.


On 11/17/05, pablosantosluac at terra.es <pablosantosluac at terra.es> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well, I didn't find any precompiled mono for OpenBSD, so I tried myself...
> Steps I had to made
> 1) in support/mph.h
>     #if defined (PLATFORM_WIN32) || !defined (EOVERFLOW)
>     important || instead of && because EOVERFLOW is not defined in OpenBSD
> either!
> 2) in  libgc/include/private/gc_priv.h
> instead of
> #       define SIG_SUSPEND SIGRTMIN + 6*/
> define
> #       define SIG_SUSPEND SIGUSR1
> 3) define isnormal, that is not defined in OpenBSD
> in mono/dis/get.c:#define isnormal(a) (finite(a) && (a) != 0.0)
> 4) Packages to install:
> bison-1.35p1        GNU parser generator
> glib2-2.6.4         general-purpose utility library
> pkgconfig-0.15.0p0  tool for managing library compile/link flags
> 5) install both GNU sed and GNU make (you can go with 'included' make until
> mcs compilation).
> 7)
>  ./configure --with-gc=included -with-ikvm-native=no --prefix=/opt/mono-1.1.10
> I got an error in ikvm, so I just removed it...
> 8) compile libgc with normal make... well, I don't know why, but with gmake
> it doesn't compile the include GC_pthread_create function... and then you
> get one of those undefined reference errors
> Then you can get a "mini/mono" compiled, but when it tries to run mcs.exe...
> you get
> GC Warning: GC_get_nprocs() returned -1
> and it never exits but never does anything...
> Ideas?
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