[Mono-devel-list] Test policy proposition

Andrew Skiba andrews at mainsoft.com
Mon May 30 06:30:00 EDT 2005

Hi, Atsushi.

I want to propose the idea of policy regarding running tests before 
commit for preventing regressions. I have to go right now for a few 
hours, so I simply post the draft of README, if it's not clear enough, 
we'll discuss it when I return. If everything is fine for you, let me 
know, and I'll commit the testsuit enforcing this policy for W3C tests.

Better yet, have the whole patch, I hope, it's self-explaining. If not, 
we'll talk.

Notice, that this testsuite ignores regressions for tests that fail in 
dot net. Wheither it must be so - I don't know, let's decide together.

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