[Mono-devel-list] Problem with DbDataAdapter... RESOLVED

Konstantin Triger kostat at mainsoft.com
Sun May 22 08:39:07 EDT 2005

Hello all,

This is definitely a bug. Suresh, you are right, there should be a 
GetDateTimeSafe(), which was sadly missed and not found with tests 
because our structs are actually classes, so there was no exception.

In addition, the docs say that IsDBNull should be called before a call 
to a get method.

The attached patch provides the relevant fixes, please let me know 
whether it works.

Konstantin Triger

Sureshkumar T wrote:

>I guess the following is more proper fix. But, I am not sure why there
>is no GetDateTimeSafe in ISafeRecord and is there any reason to leave
>this to throw exception. Kosta could clear this.  Hubert, can you please
>try this?
>Index: System.Data.Common/DataContainer.cs
>--- System.Data.Common/DataContainer.cs (revision 44790)
>+++ System.Data.Common/DataContainer.cs (working copy)
>@@ -1069,7 +1069,8 @@
>                        {
>                                // if exception thrown, it should be
>                                // in the  caller method
>+                                this[index] = record.GetValue(field);
>                        }
>On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 12:36 +0200, Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
>>I've found the last problems I had...
>>The problem is when you do a fill with a null datetime in the result 
>>the problem is in method 	
>>internal void ReadIDataRecord(int recordIndex, IDataRecord record, int[] 
>>mapping, int length)
>>of the record cache class
>>this method do a call of :
>>	column.DataContainer.SetItemFromDataRecord(recordIndex, record,i);
>>so the problem comes from the sealed class DateTimeDataContainer : 
>>the method record.GetDateTime(field); throw a not well catched exception when 
>>the datetime is null
>>So, as a trick, i've added a try catch :
>>my patch is :
>>Index: DataContainer.cs
>>--- DataContainer.cs    (revision 44793)
>>+++ DataContainer.cs    (working copy)
>>@@ -1069,7 +1069,15 @@
>>                        {
>>                                // if exception thrown, it should be caught
>>                                // in the  caller method
>>+                               Object date=null;
>>+                               try
>>+                               {
>>+                                date=record.GetDateTime(field);
>>+                               }catch
>>+                               {
>>+                               }
>>+                               base.SetValue(index,date);
>>                        }
>>Le Mercredi 18 Mai 2005 11:32, vous avez écrit :
>>>Hello Hubert,
>>>I'm completely agree that bugs are a bad thing, that's why I'm here to
>>>help you as soon as possible. The reason the DataAdapter code has
>>>changed is to solve other bugs, and the solution required some
>>>"cooperation" from providers too. Unfortunately it's not simple to make
>>>a complete testing over all the providers, so I do expect for some
>>>number of issues, but believe that with yours and others help we will
>>>stabilize the code very fast.
>>>I would like to ask you several questions:
>>>   1. Does your PG app work? If not, can you send the stack traces/code
>>>      samples of the problems?
>>>   2. What is your current problem with Oracle? Can you please send a
>>>      stack? (It cannot be the same one because in my latest patch I
>>>      removed the calls to System.Data.DataRow:get_Item (System.String
>>>      columnName) from the BuildSchema).
>>>   3. If it's possible, can you send your entire app, so I'll test it
>>>      here? (The confidentiality will be ensured).
>>>Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
>>>Konstantin Triger
>>>Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
>>>>You're patch has nothing changes... I get always the same error...
>>>>With the postgresql app... I can now login... but there's plenty of bugs
>>>>inside... I think the best solution is to get an older version of Mono!
>>>>Why do you include a patch if there's compatibility problems with data
>>>>Le Mardi 17 Mai 2005 16:26, vous avez écrit :
>>>>>Hello again,
>>>>>Seems that Oracle provider does not initialize at all some columns in
>>>>>The attached patch fixes that in a generic way.
>>>>>Konstantin Triger
>>>>>Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
>>>>>>I've applied your patch...
>>>>>>It corrects the problem with my postgresql app...
>>>>>>but i get always an error with the same app with oracle :
>>>>>>System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
>>>>>>in <0x00067> System.Data.DataRow:get_Item (System.String columnName,
>>>>>>DataRowVersion version)
>>>>>>in <0x00015> System.Data.DataRow:get_Item (System.String columnName)
>>>>>>in <0x00495> System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:BuildSchema (IDataReader
>>>>>>reader, System.Data.DataTable table, SchemaType schemaType,
>>>>>>MissingSchemaAction missingSchAction, MissingMappingAction
>>>>>>System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection dtMapping)
>>>>>>in <0x00059> System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:BuildSchema (IDataReader
>>>>>>reader, System.Data.DataTable table, SchemaType schemaType)
>>>>>>in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>>>>>>in <0x00087> System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:FillTable
>>>>>>(System.Data.DataTable dataTable, IDataReader dataReader, Int32
>>>>>>startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, System.Int32 counter)
>>>>>>in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>>>>>>in <0x00117> System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:Fill (System.Data.DataSet
>>>>>>dataSet, System.String srcTable, IDataReader dataReader, Int32
>>>>>>startRecord, Int32 maxRecords)
>>>>>>in <0x000ce> System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:Fill (System.Data.DataSet
>>>>>>dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, System.String srcTable,
>>>>>>IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
>>>>>>in <0x00036> System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:Fill (System.Data.DataSet
>>>>>>dataSet, System.String srcTable)
>>>>>>in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
>>>>>>System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter:Fill (System.Data.DataSet,string)
>>>>>>in <0x00121> MoteurCRM.CProfil:RetourneGroupeCommercial (System.String
>>>>>>cnxstring, System.String televendeur_Id)
>>>>>>in <0x007e7> FicheClient.Logon:btnValider_Click (System.Object sender,
>>>>>>System.EventArgs e)
>>>>>>in (wrapper delegate-invoke)
>>>>>>Le Mardi 17 Mai 2005 12:09, Konstantin Triger a écrit :
>>>>>>>Agreed, but in fact the provider should set the defaults, not the
>>>>>>>DataAdapter :-).
>>>>>>>Konstantin Triger
>>>>>>>Sureshkumar T wrote:
>>>>>>>>>+							bool allowDBNull = value is bool ? (bool)value : false;
>>>>>>>>default allowDBNull should be true ;-)
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