[Mono-devel-list] Gecko#: parsing data posted thought HTML form

Nigel Benns nigel_benns at rogers.com
Thu May 19 10:20:06 EDT 2005

I don't see anything to manually change the web controls (or get the
data), but why not create a local socket or something to POST to and then
read that.

So the gecko engine will http post to the socket that your listening to
and the the program will get the post data, parse the out http headers and
get the textbox data.

Seems like a lot, but I can't see any other way around it :(

> Hello!
> I need to parse data that user enters in HTML form. For example:
> <html>
> 	<head>
> 		<title>Some page</title>
> 	</head>
> 	<body>
> 		<div id="someblock">
> 			<form method="post">
> 				Enter text:
> 				<input type="text" name="someproperty"
> value="">
> 				<input type="submit" name="ok"
> value="Submit">
> 			</form>
> 		</div>
> 	</body>
> </html>
> Saving this file locally, opening programmatically using Gecko#. User
> enters
> in the text field some value and presses "Submit" button. Is there are
> some
> functionality in Gecko# to know, which value is entered in the text field?
> -------
> Andrew Sklyarevsky, Tashkent.
> mailto:andrew at oridea.org
> http://www.oridea.org/
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/snoralip/
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