[Mono-devel-list] Re: xslttest patch

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Wed May 18 14:23:57 EDT 2005

Hi Andrew,

I also didn't run it, but I think it wraps up all the items we
discussed and I found no problem on it.

One cosmetic matter:

> @@ -145,6 +149,10 @@
>  					break;
>  				}
>  			}
> +			if (useDomStyle || useDomInstance)
> +				outputDir = "domresults";
> +			else
> +				outputDir = "results";

Maybe we could create different path names e.g. "dom-dom",
"xpath-dom", "dom-xpath" etc. by those flags. We won't actually
run tests with those individual options, but it will still tell
us how we created the output. In other words, we won't know how
"domresults" are actually created.

Thanks again for those test improvements. It's really decent :)

Atsushi Eno

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