[Mono-devel-list] Contribution to MSBuild

Marcus mathpup at mylinuxisp.com
Mon May 2 17:59:50 EDT 2005

I was working on such a project (not in Mono) a while back, but the MSBuild's 
API was mostly undocumented. So I did not get very far beyond stubbing 
everything out and writing some broilerplate code (e.g. properties that would 
just return values from private fields).

A few of the API components for authoring new Tasks were documented in some 
articles, but many of API components were only listed with no description of 
what they actually do.

Is the Microsoft.Build.* namespace documented yet?

On Monday 02 May 2005 8:53 am, Thomas Harning Jr. wrote:
> Anirudh Chandrakant wrote:

> On the MonoDevelop repository there's an MSBuild tree.. looks fairly
> preliminary and empty.  You'd have to engineer your own makefiles [I
> suggest using Premake, so Monodevelop, SharpDevelop, Visual Studio, and GNU
> make files can be automatically generated... it's fairly simple once you
> figure it out + there's lots of docs].

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