[Mono-devel-list] NUnit integration with XML CONF and XSLT

Andrew Skiba andrews at mainsoft.com
Thu Jun 30 08:56:21 EDT 2005


I want to change the W3C suite once more. To explain motivation behind
the change, I'll forward Rafi's message. After applying the patch, the
Makefile will have 3 test targets:

run-test - similar to other mono nunit tests, this will have zero
failures, if there are no regressions. To achieve this, this target will
not run tests listed in ignored.lst, knownFailures.lst, fixme.lst and

run-failing-test - this target will run ONLY tests from
knownFailures.lst and fixme.lst, but with inversed result. This way a
developer can check if a part of tests listed there is fixed. So if no
tests were fixed, this run will SUCCEED, and if there are PROGRESSIONS,
it will FAIL. Don't be confused!

run-all-test - run all tests, including knownFailures.lst and fixme.lst, 
but not including ignored.lst and net-failures.lst.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NUnit integration with XML CONF and XSLT
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 12:49:15 +0300
From: RafaelMizrahi <rafim at mainsoft.com>

Hi all,
I have discussed with Andrew and here are the findings:

Right now, the suites can run at two modes: console and NUnit, where
each mode has different workflow (bad practice).

The NUnit mode is running all the tests and this cannot be accepted by
mono build policy, because the build expect to have "zero-failures".

Action Items (Andrew):
* Merge the two modes into a single NUnit mode (remove the main() and
build it as NUnit assembly dll)
* Create another NUnit Fixture for "Expected Failures", in order to run
them and check for progression.
* Check both Fixtures with "make run-test" and send me the NUnit reports.

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