[Mono-devel-list] Who creates the Windows installer of Mono?

Francisco T. Martinez martinf at mfconsulting.com
Thu Jun 30 05:40:24 EDT 2005

Kornél Pál wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to no who creates the Windows installer of Mono to can I ask
> how Mono is built for that installer.
> Kornél

I do.  As far as how is it built, I do ./autogen.sh when the code comes 
straight from SVN or ./configure when the code comes from a tarball.  
The switches passed to it are:
--prefix=/opt/mono --with-preview=yes.  Immediately after all of auto* 
are ran, I proceed to edit the resulting libtool file with vi.  What I 
do is the earlier described s/cyg/ /g.
Then I do:
make && make install.

That is it -- for the most part :)

NOTE:  Of course I only wish it was that easy every time.  I usually 
becomes a two or three day struggle to correct idiosyncrasies between 
the Linux friendly build system and the not so tested Win32/Cygwin system.

Kornél, a lot more details about how I build Mono for the Windows 
installer can be found in an article that I co-wrote with Kevin Shockey 
that was published by O'Reilly.


hope this answers your questions.


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