[Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Reworked unified Locale classes

Kornél Pál kornelpal at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 28 07:02:36 EDT 2005

I posted this message a long ago. Please review the benchmark results and
tell me whether this overhead is worth or is too much.


----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Miguel de Icaza
>> From: Ben Maurer
>>> I want to know the real impact (we have the tools, it should take a few
>>> minutes at most to find out the numbers).
>> The best way for Kornel to do that (just as an FYI since he has probably
>> never used the tools) is to run:
>> mono --stats foo.exe
>> mono --profile foo.exe
> You are right I have never used these tools.:)
> I tested "internal static string GetText (string message)" without
> INSIDE_CORLIB. It is a very common code. getTextLock and SafeGetText are
> required anyway. GetResource is not changed significantly. I tested
> GetTextResourceManager without resource files (just used the transparent
> GetTextResourceSet) because the current ResourceManager and ResourceSet
> implementations are not currently effective enough and there are no
> localized resources yet. And of course localizing resources from files
> will
> result in worse performance anyway but it depends on ResourceManager and
> not
> Locale.
> I attached the source files and the results:
> mcs /out:OldLocaleBenchmark.exe LocaleBenchmark.cs OldLocale.cs
> mcs /out:NewLocaleBenchmark.exe LocaleBenchmark.cs NewLocale.cs
> mono --stats OldLocaleBenchmark.exe >OldLocaleBenchmark.stats
> mono --profile OldLocaleBenchmark.exe >OldLocaleBenchmark.profile
> mono --stats NewLocaleBenchmark.exe >NewLocaleBenchmark.stats
> mono --profile NewLocaleBenchmark.exe >NewLocaleBenchmark.profile
> I have runned this on Windows.
> Kornél
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