[Mono-devel-list] Activator.CreateInstance<T>

Elliott Draper el at eldiablo.co.uk
Mon Jun 27 21:20:54 EDT 2005

Hi guys,

I was just wondering whether the generic Activator.CreateInstance method 
from .Net framework 2.0 had been implemented within the 2.0 features 
currently available in Mono yet?

In case anyone isn't clear what it is I'm talking about:
and for those with a local copy of the MSDN framework 2.0 help files 

I have tried to compile an app that uses this method under Mono 
unsuccessfully, so I'm guessing it's not yet implemented, but I was 
unsure whether there is a patch awaiting commit for it, or whether 
anyone is currently working on this and other similar generics features 
for use under Mono?

Also, while I'm at it; is there a second parallel version of the 
documentation thats currently available at http://www.go-mono.com/docs? 
One that is updated for the Mono 2.0 features currently 
implemented/being implemented? Like there is an MSDN2 for the 
pre-release documentation pertaining to .Net framework 2.0, does Mono 
have such a secondary documentation store?

I'm trying to port a .Net written app using generics to Mono, and would 
like to get a good idea of how much is possible, and perhaps if I know a 
particular feature hasn't yet been implemented and isn't being worked 
on, I'd be interested in helping to get it done.

-= El =-

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