[Mono-devel-list] valid-sa-100 testcase

Andrew Skiba andrews at mainsoft.com
Thu Jun 16 09:52:55 EDT 2005

Hello, Eno.

I made some investigation regarding subj. The test fails because mono 
makes entity resolution in XmlNode.InsertBefore, that is when the ENTITY 
is parsed. Probably, a lazy evaluation will solve the problem here, as 
the entity is never dereferenced in this testcase.

I started with Kosta's patch that you refused once because Kosta had no 
testcase. I saw that Kosta's patch, although fixing valid-sa-100, breaks 
many nunit tests, for example this:

<!DOCTYPE root[
<!ENTITY % pe '<!ENTITY foo ""foo-def"">'>

must define document with foo defined as foo-def.

I noticed that virtual property XmlNode.LastLinkedChild is never 
overridden, so I used it to catch the above case with foo-def. This 
worked good, but unfortunately, there are other nunit tests that are 
still broken, and my time is out.

So I just give you what I got, and you are free to use it to get the 
final solution, or come with different approach to fix valid-sa-100.

Thank you,
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