[Mono-devel-list] System.Web/System.Web.UI - patch (code synchronization between Mono and Mainsoft)

Ilya Kharmatsky ilyak at mainsoft.com
Wed Jun 8 07:11:31 EDT 2005

Please review the patch.

BTW, in HtmlTextWriter.cs we changed internal structs (e.g. RenderStyle) 
to be the classes
 and not structs - this in order to resolve heavy performance problem in 
our implementation
 of initialization of arrays of structs. May be the better idea is to 
change also original mono
 code - since in this case we can avoid additional "splitting" of code 
between standard and
 J2EE configuration. I think impact of this won't be too high - from 
perspective of memory
 consumption and performance.

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