[Mono-devel-list] The first (attempt to checkin) managed collation patch

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Sat Jul 23 09:24:39 EDT 2005


Paolo Molaro wrote:
> It can be done in two ways: embed the files in the mono binary like we do
> with the char tables or load the files from where mscorlib was loaded.
> Both are trivial to implement.

For now I took the latter approach. That means however we need some
love on the build system.

> It means minimal correct support for unicode chars 0-255 in the
> invariant locale (maybe plus another configurable locale that only
> uses those chars). Of course if this still requires 120 KB of data it's
> not worth it. If it requires 10-20 KB it would be nice to have it as
> an option. But there is no hurry for this, just keep it in mind as
> we may be asked to implement it.

Ok then it's not difficult.

The attached patch expects those collation.*.bin files to be in
the same directory as mscorlib.dll exists.

One thing I'd note is that I could *not* build the path to those
files - I tried the same way as mono_init_internal() does to load
mscorlib.dll, but it messed NUnit test on cygwin (that expected
my_svn_repo/mono/runtime/mono/lib/1.0/*.bin instead of
my_svn_repo/mcs/class/lib/default). So I just added path argument.

Atsushi Eno

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