[Mono-devel-list] The first (attempt to checkin) managed collation patch

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Thu Jul 21 23:53:38 EDT 2005


>>>Managed resources are loaded as an IntPtrStream. Inside corlib, you can
>>>cast to that type and get the IntPtr (possibly adding a call to do
>>Is that cast really kind of thing on that I can depend?
> Yes, sorta. We need to change this class to be called
> UnmanagedMemoryStream for 2.0
> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/13e02eft.aspx. This will probably
> mean that we rename IntPtrStream and make it internal for 1.0. When that
> gets done, obviously the person will need to change your code.

Ok, then let's do it now :-)  I attached patch for it. For simplicity
I omitted renaming in corlib.dll.sources which is obviously required.

Atsushi Eno
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