[Mono-devel-list] [Patch] RReader not to rely on bounds checking

Robin Boerdijk robin_boerdijk at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 15:18:10 EST 2005

> >> 			}
> >> 			catch {
> >> 				xml = null;
> >>+				len = 0;
> >>+				throw;
> >> 			}
> >> 		}
> > 
> > 
> > What is the use of this catch block?
> I really don't know. Probably this catch block has to clear the
> string 
> so a subsequent call to Read fails (instead of possibly returning 
> garbage/incomplete data)...

But this code is in the constructor. So if an exception occurs, the
object creation fails and no method can be called on it. My guess is
that this catch block can safely be removed.


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