[Mono-devel-list] Mono executes Stored Procedures very slowly

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Wed Jan 26 18:12:03 EST 2005

Hi Péter,

I created a simple test code (attached) and ran on windows.
Here's the results:

$ ./perf1.exe
00:00:00.1101584, 1101584

$ mono ./perf1.exe
00:00:22.1210000, 221210000

So, mono DataTable is _extremely_ slow. This looks the culprit of
the performance loss.

Lemme see if I can optimize easy bits.

Atsushi Eno

Neumann Péter wrote:
> Hi Every1,
>   I have a Web Service which calls several Sql Server stored
>   procedures. After deploying this service to a linux box that runs
>   apache and mono I've realized that the service ran much much slower
>   on this machine than it did before on a windows machine with IIS and
>   .NET. My investigations showed that the following lines could be
>   blamed for this performance issue:
>          DataSet ds = new DataSet();
>          ds.Locale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
>          SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter( this.Command );
>          adapter.Fill( ds );
>   As you may know I use this code to execute a stored procedure. I
>   tryed to call several SPs, but all of them were very slow so I guess
>   the problem is mono related. Very slow means that on Windows the
>   following lines are executed in less than some milliseconds on Linux
>   they take at least ten seconds (!!!).
>   And I forgot to tell you that I use the
>   same SQL server (same connection string) both from Linux and
>   Windows, that's why I suspect that the this problem is caused by mono.
>   Is there any explanation for this performance loss?
> Thanks in advance!
> Peter Neumann
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