[Mono-devel-list] patch for xmlserialization stuff

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Fri Jan 7 03:59:07 EST 2005

Hi Lluis,

On using genxs for XmlSchema, I made some minor patches.

	Added some generation configuration:
		write custom reader/writer as internal classes.
	<noreader>, <nowriter>
		They make generation of reader and/or writer optional.

	It uses ListDictionary instead of Hashtable, to avoid silly
	attibute order comparison annoyance between ms and mono.

	MS XmlSerializer seems to write more QNames in
	XmlSerializerNamespaces where equivalent ns declaration
	already exists (avoided duplicate generation though).

If no problems, I'll commit them later. At least they does not break
sys.xml tests. I am sure that it will break some DataSet tests that
are based on different attribute orders (I will fix them too).

Atsushi Eno
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