[Mono-devel-list] Broken link: 1.0.6 download for Win32

Andrés Gómez Aragoneses agomez at wke.es
Mon Feb 21 08:05:37 EST 2005

Trying to download 1.0.6 release from Win32 I get this:

The requested URL 
/archive/1.1.4/windows/mono-1.0.6-gtksharp-1.9.2-win32-0.3.exe was not 
found on this server.

BTW, if I am interested in beginning to test the "beta" port of 
Monodevelop for Windows, which version should I install?


	Andrés Gómez Aragoneses
	Depto. Informática Editorial
	LA LEY - Wolters Kluwer España, S.A.

	Correo-E: agomez at wke.es
	Tfno: (+34) 91 6020008 (Ext. 0390)

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