[Mono-devel-list] mbas and Microsoft.VisualBaisc namespace

Dennis Hayes denisraytek at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 20 04:14:40 EST 2005



1)      It is my understanding that the Microsoft version of Microsoft.Visual.Basic is written in VB, not in C#.

2)      It is also my understanding that when Mbas is good enough to compile it, we want to convert the Mono version to basic as well.

Am I correct?


I have been given a commercial tool for converting C# to VB or VB to C# for testing using open source projects.

I have already converted the NPlot C# demo to VB.NET.


I have run the MSVB code through the conveter, and have found two C#isms that should be modified if we plan on converting to C# in the future. (I expect to find more).

For instance:

MySub(myVal += 2)

Needs to be changed to 

myVal = myVal + 2



If we plan on converting in the future, I could add these to a coding conventions file for MSVB.


I could also point out areas of mbas that need improvement before it can compile MSVB.


Comments, suggestions?


Also, anyone know of any open source code that could benifit by being converted frm cs to vb or vb to cs?






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