[Mono-dev] XsdValidatingReader patch for multiple schema validation
Atsushi Eno
atsushi at ximian.com
Mon Dec 26 09:19:10 EST 2005
Applied the patch with a few changes. Thanks for a good test!
It would be better if you try "make run-test" to check if your changes
are fine.
It runs our unit tests and tells you if there is breaking tests. With
this patch
it resulted in an infinite loop ;-)
Atsushi Eno
> <<XsdValidatingReader.cs.diff>> Good day.
> I've found an issue in implementation of XSD schema validation. This
> feature works with MS.NET, but doesn't worked with Mono. I've fixed it
> for my project. Can somebody check this patch and submit it to common
> source base?
> The problem is the next. schemaLocation attribute could handle multiple
> schema references. They contained in this attribute as set of pairs
> <URI>-<schema file>. But Mono validating only with last pair - the only
> schema supported. While validating, XsdValidator reads these files and
> collect it into the SchemasCollection. It was implemented in this way:
> tmp = schemaLocation.Split
> (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
> ....
> for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i += 2)
> {
> try {
> schema =
> ReadExternalSchema (tmp [i + 1]);
> } catch (Exception) { // FIXME:
> (wishlist) It is bad manner ;-(
> if (!schemas.Contains
> (tmp [i]))
> HandleError
> (String.Format ("Could not resolve schema location URI: {0}",
> i + 1 <
> tmp.Length ? tmp [i + 1] : String.Empty), null, true);
> continue;
> }
> ...
> }
> }
> if (schema != null) {
> if (!schemas.Contains
> (schema.TargetNamespace)) {
> schemaAdded = true;
> schemas.Add (schema);
> }
> }
> As it can be seen, every pair of URI and file reads, analized... And the
> end. Only the last schema added to collection, because it's out of
> for-cycle.
> My patch fixes this issue and also moves try-block from cycle (marked as
> "bad manner") to outer one - for correct error processing.
> I've also attached test case. Binary and source for xmlvalue.exe utility
> is simple example of call XmlValidationReader. Data for this example is
> file testXSDvalidator.xml, that contains references to two schemas. This
> test works with MS.NET, but fails for Mono 1.1.12. With my patch this
> example works with Mono. I've tested it under Solaris 9 (SPARC).
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