ERROR AGAIN :(: [Mono-dev] Mono Compile Error in Solaris 8

Nit Bha nithelp at
Mon Aug 22 18:42:08 EDT 2005

Hey Peter!

Yep, that was the error.  I just reupdated cc to 3.4.2 instead of
2.9.5, and now its going again.  But just got another error, care to
take a look.  I had gcc installed that was 3.4.2 earlier, but for soem
reason 2.9.5 cc was still there..  Anyway this is the new error, and I
have no clue what its doing here.

make[8]: Entering directory
../../jay/jay -ct < ../../jay/skeleton.cs System.Xml.XPath/Parser.jay
../../jay/jay: 21 rules never reduced
../../jay/jay: 1 shift/reduce conflict, 42 reduce/reduce conflicts.
sed "s/\%start Expr/\%start Pattern/" System.Xml.XPath/Parser.jay
echo "#define XSLT_PATTERN" > Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.cs
../../jay/jay -ct Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.jay <
../../jay/skeleton.cs >>Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.
../../jay/jay: 3 rules never reduced
../../jay/jay: 1 shift/reduce conflict, 46 reduce/reduce conflicts.
echo "#define XSLT_PATTERN" > Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternTokenizer.cs
cat System.Xml.XPath/Tokenizer.cs >>Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternTokenizer.cs
-wrapper  ../../class/lib/basic/mcs.exe   -d:NET_1_1 -d:ONLY_1_1
nfig /lib:/usr/local/lib /noconfig /unsafe /r:mscorlib.dll
/r:System.dll /nowarn:0162 /nowarn:0618 /no
warn:0612 /target:library /out:System.Xml.dll
System.Xml.XPath/Parser.cs Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.cs
 Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternTokenizer.cs @System.Xml.dll.sources

Unhandled Exception:
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Couldn't access
random sourc
in <0x00060> System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider:Check ()
in <0x00034> System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider:.ctor ()
in <0x000b0> System.Guid:FastNewGuidArray ()
in <0x0008c> System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder:.ctor
(System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder assb,
System.String name, System.String fullyqname, Boolean emitSymbolInfo,
Boolean transient)
in <0x000d8> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:DefineDynamicModule
(System.String name, System.St
ring fileName, Boolean emitSymbolInfo, Boolean transient)
in <0x00020> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:DefineDynamicModule
(System.String name, System.St
ring fileName, Boolean emitSymbolInfo)
in <0x00450> Mono.CSharp.CodeGen:Init (System.String name,
System.String output, Boolean want_debuggin
in <0x00a5c> Mono.CSharp.Driver:MainDriver (System.String[] args)
in <0x0000c> Mono.CSharp.Driver:Main (System.String[] args)
make[8]: *** [../../class/lib/basic/System.Xml.dll] Error 1
make[8]: Leaving directory
make[7]: *** [do-all] Error 2
make[7]: Leaving directory
make[6]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[6]: Leaving directory
make[5]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[5]: Leaving directory `/export/home/users/niteesh/mono/mono-'
make[4]: *** [profile-do--basic--all] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/export/home/users/niteesh/mono/mono-'
make[3]: *** [profiles-do--all] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/export/home/users/niteesh/mono/mono-'
make[2]: *** [all-local] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/home/users/niteesh/mono/mono-'
make: *** [all] Error 2

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