[Mono-dev] patches for RegionInfo support

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Sun Aug 21 21:42:41 EDT 2005

Oops, the corlib patch was wrong. Reattached ones should work fine.

Atsushi Eno

Atsushi Eno wrote:
> Hola,
> Paolo Molaro wrote:
>> On 08/17/05 Atsushi Eno wrote:
>>> I mostly copied those icall code from CurrentCulture support,
>>> but one thing I don't understand is NUM_CACHED_CULTURES ... why
>>> it is set as 4? Is it safe to guess NUM_CACHED_REGIONS 4 as well?
>> I would store a single copy, ie not an array of objects, since nobody
>> uses this stuff.
> Yeah, agreed.
>>> +        static object region_lock = new object ();
>>> +
>>> +        internal RegionInfo CurrentRegion {
>> Make this static so it can be called only on the current thread and
>> remove the locking.
> Am mazed... is there any reason that RegionInfo is different from
> CultureInfo here (other than that CurrentCulture is exposed as
> nonstatic)?  Anyways I attached the patch that fixes above.
> If there seems no further problem, I'll commit it later.
> Atsushi Eno

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