[Mono-dev] patches for RegionInfo support

Atsushi Eno atsushi at ximian.com
Wed Aug 17 02:44:05 EDT 2005

>> Not sure what you mean: the MS documentation is very confused as usual,
>> but it mentions it's per thread.
> Oh. Hmm, I meant there is no Thread member that is related to
> RegionInfo thus I thought it would be domain specific, and
> CurrentRegion is not related to CurrentCulture (changing this
> property does not affect on RegionInfo.CurrentRegion value).
> For now I'll make change on Thread.cs and RegionInfo.cs so that
> every thread will create CurrentRegion on demand as we do the
> same for CurrentCulture.

Thus here is another patch for both runtime and corlib - it is
a bit easier than CurrentCulture since we don't have setter
for CurrentRegion and thus we don't have to serialize RegionInfo
which can never be custom ones.

I mostly copied those icall code from CurrentCulture support,
but one thing I don't understand is NUM_CACHED_CULTURES ... why
it is set as 4? Is it safe to guess NUM_CACHED_REGIONS 4 as well?

Atsushi Eno
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