[Mono-dev] Problem building from source

Elliott Draper el at eldiablo.co.uk
Sat Aug 13 23:18:58 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I've recently been having trouble building Mono from source (either the 
source tarball, or from SVN) on one box I've got. I've built from source 
countless times on other boxes without issues, but this one is being a 
pain in the ass. Attached is the output from when I execute 
"./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local/mono" within the "mono" directory.

I'm using Autoconf v2.59, and Automake v1.9.2. These versions match that 
of another machine I have, which builds from source correctly. The only 
problem I can see with it is that I did have to update Autoconf as it 
was previously an older version. The errors I'm getting seem to suggest 
some kind of autoconf symbol error, is there any kind of cache I need to 
manually refresh after upgrading autoconf to the latest version, before 
it'll properly take effect?

If that's not the problem, any ideas what might be? This one has me 
totally perplexed at the minute, and looking for some of the symbol 
error messages given in the attached output on Google and the like 
throws up lots of results, none of which appear relevant to this situation.

Any help would be muchly appreciated, if anyone needs more information, 
let me know.

-= El =-
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