[Mono-devel-list] Mono on a multipocessor

Alex Chudnovsky alexc at majestic12.co.uk
Thu Apr 21 09:33:52 EDT 2005

Jonathan Pryor wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 16:56 +0200, BRUNET Pierre-Marie - stagiaire
>>Hi, I'm french student working on Mono for a University project. I 
>>wonder if Mono launchs a thread for each processor if  a multithread C# 
>>program running over Mono.
>Mono also has a ThreadPool, for which threads are created on-demand.
>The ThreadPool supports a maximum of 50 threads/CPU on Linux, 25/CPU on
Is there a reason for replication of such low thread limits from .NET? 
It is PITA to change those programmatically
on Windows (non-portable), and I wonder how can same be done on Mono?



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