[Mono-devel-list] DataView.Sort behaves different on mono than Windows

Sureshkumar T tsureshkumar at novell.com
Fri Apr 15 01:54:40 EDT 2005


  This scenario perfectly works fine for me here. Find the attached
sample code. it works as expected. I use mono 1.1.7

  Let me know whether this works for you too. If not , I suggest to
upgrade ;-). If you have any other specific situation, please post a
simple code so that I can look into it.


On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 16:12 -0700, Joe Audette wrote:
> Hi,
> In my new RSS Feed Aggregator for mojoportal, I have a
> DataView named entries that I sort using:
> entries.Sort = "PubDate DESC";
> On Windows it sorts by date desc as expected, but
> under mono 1.1.5 from svn on Suse 9.2 it sorts
> descending on date but keeps things grouped together
> by author so newer dated posts are not always on top.
> The feed with the newest post shows first but then all
> of its posts are shown next in date descending order
> no matter if the other feeds have posts that are
> newer, then the feed with the next newest post and so
> on.
> I wonder if it has anything to do with the sequence of
> columns in the DataTable underlying the DataView. In
> my DataTable the PubDate field is the last column. I
> may try some more experimentation and see if I can
> find a workaround but I believe this is a bug and
> thought I should mention it.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> joe_audette [at] yahoo dotcom
> http://www.joeaudette.com
> http://www.mojoportal.com
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