[Mono-devel-list] About files, assemblies and compilation

Ian MacLean ianm at ActiveState.com
Wed Apr 13 23:09:37 EDT 2005

Angel Garcia wrote:

>I'm new in mono, and I have some dudes about compilation, I try to
>obtain information, but I can't find anything.
This is all pretty basic stuff. I'm sure there are a dozen basic .Net 
programming turorials out there that would cover it.
However - answers to your questions inline:

>The problem is simple, how can I make assemblies with a separates files?
>first problem: supposse that I have 2 archives in a directory named space_1

>Is possible to obtain an archive dll?, maybe using netmodules? What's
>the command for make that?
mcs -target:library -out:archive.dll ArchA.cs ArchB.cs

>Second problem: supposes the same configuration but in another
>directory, say space_2, where I need the methods a and b, again I need
>to obtain a dll.

>What's the command line to obtain the dll?, say class2.dll 
mcs -target:library -r:archive.dll -out:class2.dll ArchC.cs ArchD.cs

>Finally I want use the methods in a principal class
>What's the command to obtain a principal.exe?
mcs -target:exe-r:archive.dll -r:class2.dll -out:principle.exe Principal.cs


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