FW: [Mono-devel-list] System.Web.Administration

Mike McKay mike at vdomck.org
Sat Sep 18 13:39:34 EDT 2004

Patricio Jutard wrote:
> I know them, they are beautiful, but I just wanted to know where they are
> implemented, I couldn´t find them in the CVS.

I agree the web service pages are beautiful - when they work. Often the 
boxes are sized in a very strange and bad way (Firefox). For instance, 
the width of the left menu will be huge, and just full of white space. 
Does anybody else see this? Sometimes reloading makes it go away.

I did a quick look for the code that generates the html, and couldn't 
find it. I was thinking it would be nice to have the html generated as 
div'ed boxes and also support external style sheets so that people could 
style the pages easily. Any pointers to that code?


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