[Mono-devel-list] Mono in Windows

Francisco T. Martinez martinf at mfconsulting.com
Thu Oct 21 05:43:18 EDT 2004

Jonathan Pryor wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 17:57, Pablo Gil wrote:
>>I don't have any specific error. The problem is that I've made a Linux
>>app that I want to port to Windows and I have no idea of what I have to
>>do to make it.
>Depending on circumstances, you should be able to just copy the app to
>Windows and execute it.  Period.
>An Exceptions is Gtk#, which needs a Gtk# installation for Windows:
>	http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?gtks-inst4win
>Another exception would be any Unix-specific code, such as use of
>You should start with just copying the app to Windows and try executing
>it, then work on any execution errors you find.
> - Jon
To add to what Jon said, once you have copied your application to a 
computer were mono-1.0.2-gtksharp-1.0.2-win32-0.7.exe was installed and 
go to the Windows Start Menu.  You should select Mono-1.0.2 Command 
Prompt from the Mono 1.0.2 for Windows menu.  This action will open a 
Windows command prompt environment that is pre-configured to run Mono 
applications in Windows.

To run your application type something that looks like this.

    C:\Documents and Settings\joecool>mono D:\LocationOfMyApp\MyApp.exe

Regardless of it being a Gtk# or other type of application that you 
built in Linux you will probably get the biggest chances of a successful 
run with the above mentioned procedure -- provided you did as complete 
of an installation of Mono as possible.

In the event things don't work for you copy the output of the console to 
a text file and then mail it to this list for more assistance.


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