[Mono-devel-list] Installer Mono 1.1.2, Gtk# 1.0.4, 1.9 withPreviews for Win32

Simon Bain sibain at tendotzero.com
Wed Nov 17 17:45:52 EST 2004

Just to reiterize on the permissions.
My PC recently screwed up with permissions and your error is the same as I
was getting as I no longer had write access to any directory :-(.

Take a look there first, by checking that the directory you are writing to
actually is allowing access.

I also had this problem (My fault this time) when I used an NFS mounted
drive and symbolic links. The apps compiled no problems but no
intermediary files were written, again because of write permissions.

All the best
Simon Bain
XML 2004 Conference Speaker:- e-Voting

> Ramalingam, Sankar wrote:
> Hi Sankar:
> I have not seen that one before. Are you really loged-in with an account
> whos username is "myname"?
> I am somewhat curios why your environment is using C:\TEMP as opposed to
> C:\Document And Settings\mayname...
> Do you have all the permisions needed on the system you are running this
> in?  I you go to that directory (TEMP\myname-temp-aspnet\5f555cd3) do
> you find any dll's whatsoever?
>>I get the following error in the command-prompt for XSP Test Webserver.
>>(Win XP Prof, SP1)
>>Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: fileName
>>'TEMP\myname-temp-aspnet\5f555cd3\81835.dll' must not include a path.
>>in <0x00135>
>> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:check_name_and_filename
>>in <0x00021> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:DefineDynamicModule
>>in <0x0001b> System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:DefineDynamicModule
>>in <0x002da> Mono.CSharp.CodeGen:Init (string,string,bool)
>>in <0x00782> Mono.CSharp.Driver:MainDriver (string[])
>>in <0x0000f> Mono.CSharp.Driver:Main (string[])
>>Also in the brower http://localhost:8088, I get the following
>>System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File
>>'C:/TEMP\myname-temp-aspnet\5f555cd3\81835.dll' not found.
>>in <0xfdc8d217> (wrapper managed-to-native)
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