[Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Add flag for printing current corlib revision to monop

Duncan Mak duncan at ximian.com
Wed May 19 16:40:48 EDT 2004


I'm tired of having my corlib mismatched and then looking around for
someone else's corlib to match my runtime, so I spent 5 mins and cooked
up a little patch to print out the corlib revision number. Come to think
of it, I dunno how useful this is, because mono might not even run when
the corlib is not in sync.

I don't think it's possible to call (some form of) Assembly.Load on a
random mscorlib.dll file, just to find out the value of
System.Environment.mono_corlib_version on that assembly, if it is
possible, I can fix this up.

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