[Mono-devel-list] Supporting stored procedures and large objects in System.Data.OracleClient

Jörg Rosenkranz joergr at voelcker.com
Fri May 14 08:25:22 EDT 2004

Hello Sergey,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Spatar Sergey [mailto:spatar at mail.nnov.ru] 
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 1:49 PM
> We need to be able to execute stored procedures using OracleClient.
> As far as we could understand it's impossible now according to
> http://www.go-mono.com/oracle.html

I think this page is not up to date with the implementation.

> From "Action plan" on the page we can see that it's going to 
> be implemented.
> We are anxious about how soon it's going to be, because our 
> project depends on it.
> The following code successfully ran under Microsoft .NET framework but
> caused error under Mono "ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number".
> Thank you in advance!
>      OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand( 
> "PKG_AUTH_DEV.ip_authentic2", m_dbConnection );
>      command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
>      command.Parameters.Add( "p_login", OracleType.Char, 20 );
>      command.Parameters[ "p_login" ].Value = "name";
>      command.Parameters[ "p_login" ].Direction = 
> ParameterDirection.Input;
>      command.Parameters.Add( "p_password", OracleType.Char, 20 );
>      command.Parameters[ "p_password" ].Value = "pass";
>      command.Parameters[ "p_password" ].Direction = 
> ParameterDirection.Input;
>      command.Parameters.Add( "p_xml_config", OracleType.Clob );
>      command.Parameters[ "p_xml_config" ].Direction = 
> ParameterDirection.Output;
>      command.ExecuteNonQuery();

I think this might be a problem with the out parameter handling.
Have you tried to call a stored procedure without an out
parameter this way? 

We are using OracleDataReader.GetOracleLob and its Read and 
Write functions for LOB handling.


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