[Mono-devel-list] Check whether an app is running on Mono (wasRe: [Mono-patches] mcs/class/corlib/Mono ChangeLog,1.1,NONERuntime.cs,1.2,NONE)

vladimir at pobox.com vladimir at pobox.com
Fri May 14 04:20:39 EDT 2004

On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 09:43:18AM +0200, Gert Driesen wrote:
> > I've been using System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform for this, e.g.:
> > if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == (PlatformID) 128) {
> > /* Unix, persumably Mono */
> > } else {
> > /* MS-land, can check for specific PlatformIDs */
> > }
> As indicated by your code, this just checks whether your app is running on
> unix.  It doesn't tell you anything about the runtime on which your app is
> executing.

Wait, you mean there are other usable ECMA runtimes for Unix-esque OS's?  ;)

	- Vlad

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