[Mono-devel-list] [patch]Better error reporting when loading unmanaged libraries

Denis Gervalle dgl at softec.st
Thu May 13 09:06:45 EDT 2004

Joshua Tauberer wrote:

> It might be also useful to include the name of the map file that 
> caused the dll name to change (i.e. sample => libdependency.so.2).
> But, that's great.  I was thinking of doing this, too, after having 
> trouble installing Beta1.
> I hope someone commits it.

In the example, the error is not the result of mapping, only of founding 
libsample.so which depend on another library called libdependency.so.2 
that is missing. But you are rigth, adding the name of the currently 
tried library (libsample.so in the sample) may be of use and should not 
be so hard to do, I will have a look at that when this first proposal 
finaly got what it deserve.

Denis Gervalle

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