[Mono-devel-list] GAC and third party libraries: post Beta planning.

Eduard Ralph mono at eduard-ralph.de
Thu May 6 07:10:34 EDT 2004

I haven't fully followed this discussion, so if I'm reitirating something just 
ignore it. Has anybody considered security issues and things like that? Also 
the configuration features one has as Admin in the .NET Configuration 
Console? I think one shouldn't forget those issues in this discussion.

Eduard Ralph

> On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 09:43:25AM +0200, Kamil Skalski wrote:
> > The only addition to your design is the case when executing pkg-config
> > fails (package was not found, or there is no pkg-config program on
> > system) = we leave -r gtk-sharp then, so there is some (little) chance,
> > that library would be found without pkg-config.
> The main advantage here is the meaningful error message -- -pkg:foobar
> will give "cannot load foobar dll" or something like this. And the
> chances of finding the dll anyway are still quite big -- when user gets
> this message and just want to finally compile this program, he will
> simply copy gtk-sharp.dll to current directory and it will
> Just Work(tm).
> > It would be great to standardize to this solution. So also core libraries
> > would be mentioned in some .pc file (System.dll, etc.)
> I guess there is no need to put core framework libraries in .pc files,
> for the simple reason that everybody expects /r:System.dll (and not only
> /pkg:System) to just work. And for this to work we need the assembly
> directory (/usr/lib/mono/1.0).

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