[Mono-devel-list] Patch for bug #54797

Francois Beauchemin beauche at softhome.net
Thu Mar 11 15:35:34 EST 2004

Hi ,
Here is a big patch for the regexes.
As stated in bug 54797, RegexOptions.RightToLeft was completely broken. 
After many day tracing the interpreter , i've finally made this patch.
I've also attached this patch in bugzilla.

The files patched include some minors changes for the IL regex but does 
not include our CILCompiler.
ChangeLog is included as well.

Since we dont have cvs access could someone review and/or commit it please?
By the way, i've noticed that many of the files in the Regex folder is 
in dos mode , i'ts pretty annoying sometime... it is possible to do a 
"dos2unix -U *" in this folder ?

Francois Beauchemin
TIP-MONO (university Laval)

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