[Mono-devel-list] Idea: Bittorrent and Mono.

Chris Nuernberger cnuernberger at extendthereach.com
Wed Jul 28 14:43:53 EDT 2004

Sure.  Images over a certain size for starters, and the size could drop as
the server was getting hit more and more.  I wouldn't server any html files
like this, they usually aren't that big.  But a small web-server could then
potentially server a lot of stuff transparently.  And the point would be
that getting the information out slowly is better than not at all.  The
overhead of p2p is on the client side, and thus I don't think it is super
important (because its either tolerate the overhead, or don't get the
content as the web server would die trying).  The point I like about this is
to have a failover system if the server is getting hammered.  

-----Original Message-----
From: David Waite [mailto:dwaite at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 11:48 AM
To: Chris Nuernberger
Cc: MonoDevel (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [Mono-devel-list] Idea: Bittorrent and Mono.

I don't see it - the files need to be
1. static enough for them to propagate to a large number of peers
before expiring.
2. large enough to warrant the overhead of the initial torrent file
and the P2P discovery.

With these in mind, it seems the admininistrator still needs to
determine which files are and are not torrented.

What could be interesting is if the browser advertised bittorrent
files as a supported mime type; then a supporting server could
redirect via 307 to a torrent file rather than give them the requested
file directly.

-David Waite

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 11:36:29 -0600, Chris Nuernberger
<cnuernberger at extendthereach.com> wrote:
> Mike McKay wrote
> >- Web servers should be able to offer any file type as a torrent. As
> >soon as the web server notices multiple downloaders for a file, then the
> >web server creates a torrent for it and becomes a seeder for that file.
> >Future requesters for that file then become peers and share the
> >bandwidth required to make the transfers happen. This would all be taken
> >care of by the web server and would happen with html files and well as
> >500 MB movie. Goodbye slashdot effect.
> >- Web browsers should be able to download torrents seamlessly. A torrent
> >downloaded file will be treated like any other file - either displayed
> >as a web page in the browser or handled by an appropriate external
> >Obviously some things need to be built for this to happen, but it would
> >be great if Mono could be leading the way.
> That seems like a damn good idea to me.  It would require quite a bit of
> pieces to work together.  If there was a full-featured mono browser (not
> that I am suggesting making one) then you would be one step closer to some
> of that.  Have you run this by the Firefox team?  The browser integration
> probably the toughest part, as a simple browser plugin won't do.  This is
> probably getting off the topic of the list, but man, it makes a LOT of
> sense.
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