[Mono-devel-list] Idea: Bittorrent And Mono.

Matthijs ter Woord meddochat at zonnet.nl
Fri Jul 23 04:33:40 EDT 2004


I'm currently porting the Indy project from delphi to C#. Indy stands for 
Internet Direct and is a communication library with over 30 protocols 
supported, including SSL. I currently have a Http Server and Client working 
(no asp.net). Currently there is no support for ssl yet (in Indy.NET, the 
port to c#). i think it should be possible to implement SSL 2 + 3 and TLS1 
using the Mono.Security assembly.

Indy is a framework for Tcp/Udp Clients/Servers so, maybe you guys should 
have a look at it as base for the Bittorrent classes, and other protocols.

The Indy.NET project is hosted at sourceforge (see 
www.sourceforge.net/projects/indy-net). The CVS repository is accessible at 
(readonly) CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/indy-net
Module: Indy.NET

Matthijs ter Woord (meddochat)

Zon Gratis ADSL. De voordelen van gratis internet met de snelheid van
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