[Mono-devel-list] How to disable "Shared memory sanity check failed" messages?

Bernie Solomon bernard at ugsolutions.com
Fri Jan 16 18:23:25 EST 2004

This is my patch for having your home directory mounted on
multiple machines and running mono on all of them.

Without this you can make it work by setting MONO_SHARED_DIR
to a machine specific directory but this patch avoids the need to
do that.

I will commit this if no-one has objections to this technique.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bernie Solomon" <bernard at ugsolutions.com>
To: "Michal Moskal" <malekith at pld-linux.org>; "Vadim B. Guzev"
<vguzev at yandex.ru>
Cc: "Mono" <mono-devel-list at lists.ximian.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Mono-devel-list] How to disable "Shared memory sanity check
failed" messages?

> I'd come across this too because my home directory is mounted on
> multiple machines as well (of multiple types). I'd been planning to
> take a look and see what can be done about it - I'd thought
> that something simple like putting the machine name as part
> of the filenames that are used so they don't clash might work.
> I haven't had time to check what is involved in this but will try
> and do so (if someone doesn't beat me to it...)
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