[Mono-devel-list] Patch for Bug 45976

Francois Beauchemin beauche at softhome.net
Mon Jan 19 13:27:19 EST 2004

Hi !

Marco Cravairo has posted another patch for this bug.  ( See : 
http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/mono-list/2004-January/017642.html )

I've just reviewed his patch and it work well. A quick look to your 
patch show you adressed the problem at a different angle. You modified 
the interpreter and Marco has modified the CaracterClass class to adjust 
a range to contain Uppercase and lower-case char when using ignore case.

I've done a little regression test ( attached ) and your patch does not 
pass one test.

I attach the patch of Marco ( with a little modifcation in the new 
method Interval::Intersect ) and the regression test.

In my opinion, your approach  is more optimized but at least one case is 
not adressed

For example the regex [A-a] should match the string "[" since [ is 
between uppercase and lowercase char in the asscii table ...

Francois Beauchemin

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