[Mono-devel-list] Use of ILDASM

Eric Durand-Tremblay erdut2 at ift.ulaval.ca
Thu Jan 15 22:24:25 EST 2004

Hi all,

I just want to know if it is "illegal" to use ILDASM to open MS.net 

We are trying to make mono compile Regex assembly compatible with MS 
runtime.  The problem is,  mono implementation of regex do not seem to 
use the same "factory framework" than MS do.   

For now I restricted myself to the Object Browser (can view the 
interface of the assembly) but ildasm can prove very usefull to 
understand the framework used by MS.

Note that in no way we intend to look at MS IL to build our ILCompiler.

Eric Durand Tremblay
University Laval

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