[Mono-devel-list] iterators again! (CS0204)

Alan Jenkins sourcejedi at phonecoop.coop
Thu Feb 26 16:14:18 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 18:52, Alan Jenkins wrote:
> I have found where the error comes from (csparser.jay) and why 
> (iterator_container is not set when entering a operator / getter), but I 
> havent yet found out whether changes are necessary in other places, and I 
> don't really understand jay.
> I have filed a bug for this problem (#54902)

Attached is a patch which allows operators to use the iterator feature /
yield keyword.  Could someone please review this?

I may or may not be able to do the same for property accessors.  The
saga continues...
-------------- next part --------------
Index: class.cs
RCS file: /mono/mcs/mcs/class.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.401
diff -r1.401 class.cs
< 	public class Operator : MemberBase {
> 	public class Operator : MemberBase, IIteratorContainer {
< 				 Block block, Attributes attrs, Location loc)
> 				 Attributes attrs, Location loc)
< 			Block = block;
< 			OperatorMethod.IsOperator = true;			
> 			OperatorMethod.IsOperator = true;
> 			OperatorMethod.Block = Block;
> 			if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.METHOD_YIELDS) != 0)
> 				((IIteratorContainer) OperatorMethod).SetYields ();	
< 			OperatorMethod.Block = Block;
> 		}
> 		void IIteratorContainer.SetYields ()
> 		{
> 			ModFlags |= Modifiers.METHOD_YIELDS;
Index: cs-parser.jay
RCS file: /mono/mcs/mcs/cs-parser.jay,v
retrieving revision 1.283
diff -r1.283 cs-parser.jay
< 	: opt_attributes opt_modifiers operator_declarator operator_body
> 	: operator_header {
> 		iterator_container = (IIteratorContainer) $1;
> 	  }
> 	  operator_body
< 		OperatorDeclaration decl = (OperatorDeclaration) $3;
< 		Operator op = new Operator (decl.optype, decl.ret_type, (int) $2, decl.arg1type, decl.arg1name,
< 					    decl.arg2type, decl.arg2name, (Block) $4, (Attributes) $1, decl.location);
> 		Operator op = (Operator) $1;
> 		op.Block = (Block) $3;
> 		iterator_container = null;
> 	  }
> 	;
> operator_header
> 	: opt_attributes opt_modifiers operator_declarator
> 	  {
> 		OperatorDeclaration decl = (OperatorDeclaration) $3;
> 		Operator op = new Operator (decl.optype, decl.ret_type, (int) $2, decl.arg1type, decl.arg1name,
> 					    decl.arg2type, decl.arg2name, (Attributes) $1, decl.location);
> 		$$ = op;	    

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